So its December the most festive season of the year. At least it is so when you live abroad.. Just a visit around the city leaves you feeling joyous and happy.. Every year by November the Melbourne CBD is all decked up to celebrate Christmas in style. From Flinders St to Bourke you can see stars and bells hanging across the streets. City Square and Bourke are the most busy this time of the year being the shopping precinct. And its just gives me absolute joy to walk with S or even alone for that matter to see such cheer spread around. 
Every year they have Laser projections on iconic buildings which is so much fun for the kids and adults to watch. 

The MYER windows are a delight to look at. Myer, is a mid-to-up market Australian department store chain and retails a broad range of products across women's, men's and children's clothing, footwear and accessories; cosmetics and fragrance; home wares; electrical; furniture and bedding; toys; books and stationery; food and confectionery; and travel goods

So every year at Christmas Myer decorates its windows with a new story. The windows are lively with theatrics, puppets and lights that make these windows come alive with magic. People come from very far off and queue up for hours to have a look at these windows. I have heard the work that goes into prepping for these windows is enormous.. The technicians/artists work for a yr and by now they already have an idea what to do for the next Christmas. Its just awesome.. Two videos from this year's display as below.

Some pictures of the decorations and laser projections in the city. 

Its been 3 days since i had my D&C. 

This pregnancy was a surprise, B and i weren't planning on the second pregnancy. The morning i confirmed my pregnancy with a test i decided to let DD and B know about it too. I made DD wake B up slowly and whispering into his ears that she is gonna be a 'Big Sister'.. B couldn't believe it and he kept asking me if this is for real :) We were really happy. I was 5 weeks along when the blood test confirmed my pregnancy. 

I didn't do anything extra to be careful with this pregnancy. I just continued with my daily routine, doing everything at home, spending time with DD and playing badminton every Friday. On the day i turned 10 weeks i had some spotting of bright red blood when i wiped off. Panic set in almost immediately, but it became brown spotting within the next 2days and all that Googling told me spotting in pregnancy was normal. In another 3 days i had an appointment with my GP who also confirmed 90% women spot during pregnancy. The next day i had the ultrasound booked when i was told that the embryo stopped growing at 6 weeks. Some abnormal chromosomes in the embryo and hence my body decided not to grow it anymore was the reason the doc told me for the miscarriage.

The day i was lying on the operating table for the D&C surgery, i started crying profusely just thinking about final this was. With one of the surgeons comforting me and the anesthetist telling me that the general anesthesia was going to be on pretty soon, they put on the oxygen mask, they tried it on twice but i just couldn't breathe and one of the surgeons did call it out as well. But the anesthetist said its mandatory i put it on as i was going to be unconscious and needed the O2 and at that instant all the crappy medical dramas i have ever seen came back to me, what if I didn't wake up from this surgery, what if i have a cardiac arrest due to not being able to breathe, what if i bleed to death, will the surgeons use a defibrillator to bring me back alive. With all those thoughts, i put on the O2 mask again, the anesthetist  told me the anesthesia was up into my system. I was asked to take 3 deep breaths and the last thing that came flashing to my eyes was the image of my DD sleeping in her cot and how i hadn't seen her smiling in the morning. She always wakes up to me hugging her and telling her good morning. I just couldn't imagine how B would feel if i never woke up or how DD will grow up without me and with that thought i was deep asleep. This would be the most near death experience i could ever have.

I was so damn happy just to wake up and see everything around me. Couldn't wait to get out and meet B waiting outside the surgery room to pick me up and go back home. 

Sorry lil one..  

Posted by Ramya

Dear Baby,

I was told today that you didn't have a heartbeat. I am finishing 10 weeks and was looking forward to hearing your heartbeat for the first time today. Instead they tell me that you stopped growing 4 weeks ago. All these days i was cradling my belly, waiting for a kick. I went all alone to the U/S thinking everything is going to be alright and the spotting that has been happening for the past 2 days is normal as suggested by Google and also by my GP. I so wanted to scream at all those ppl on the web who had commented spotting is normal. I wanted to throttle my GP who comforted me saying 90% of pregnant women spot. 

Why was it normal for them and so very bad for me? The embryo had some abnormal chromosomes said the doc. And hence my body decided to not grow it anymore. Why didnt my body tell me something was wrong? I am sorry baby if i did something wrong. I thought i was doing it all right. Managing work and S at home and looking after myself with you inside was a bit hectic but i still didn't think i was doing something wrong.. Have to do a D&C to remove the tissue out. The womb lining that was meant to be your home for the next 6 months, is now gonna be wiped clean as i lie under anesthesia. 

I just feel so lifeless. I dono what to do... I feel sad and angry all at the same time. Just today someone congratulated me for having a baby and i didn't know how to respond. It hurts is an understatement. 

I just hope i get it all right next time around. We love you no matter what, especially your big sister S. 


Am back !!!  

Posted by Ramya in , ,

Just looking at my archives, the last post was in April 2015. As a kid i always loved writing dairies, felt that i can always read it at a later point when i have absolutely nothing to do. But when your diary gets read by your parents even after it being hid in the most secretive location (under the mattress), in spite of you knowing your dad changes your bed sheets once a month i gave up on it. And years later when i stumbled upon the world of blogging i knew, this is exactly what i needed. And i started blogging fervently. I blogged about my frustrations, my likes and dislikes, my love life .. Then happened marriage, move to a new country and the baby.

So life's been a bit busy trying to juggle work and life. But when i do find time i come back to revisit my old blogs and then decide that i will definitely start writing but then again LIFE HAPPENS :) 

Hopefully this time around i will continue to blog at least once a week. So see you around.. 

Ciao !