When the prospect of moving to Australia first came up after my wedding, like any new bride and a girl who has never traveled outside India i was really happy and excited. We have all seen scenic foreign locations in our movies, breathtaking monuments and not to miss all those branded shops where one can spend all day just looking at clothes :) So from the get go i was really excited to visit Australia. As known initially it was supposed to be a 3-6 month stay and i was determined to make the most of it.

I was being sent off tearfully from the airport by my parents, my best friend and in laws, i was putting on a brave face and all smiles to them but i was sad and upset and also a little scared to travel alone for the next 12 -16 hours which included a transit at Malaysia. And to make matters worse i was time and again advised to be careful of thieves in Malaysian airport where reportedly ppl have lost cameras and laptop bags. So needless to say i sat clutching my bag in the airport, after a 4 hour flight of movie watching from India. I was well past my routine sleep cycle and was falling asleep even as I walked. I finally found the gate, got empty seats near it, put my bag as a headrest (also had an arm around it) and slept for an hour or so. Then got into the 8hr flight to Australia.

It has hence been 3.5yrs in this foreign land. Do i love it? Yes i do.. Do i miss India? Oh yes i do :( Living in a country which is clean, has a system in place for everything, where you don't know who stays in the same floor as you in an apartment complex has its pros and cons. as listed below:


  • The roads are so clean. Even if there is an event like a marathon on the main roads, once its completed within the next one hour the roads are spic and span with no trace of an event being conducted there in the first place.
  • The council system in place for kids and the libraries that allow you to take any number of books and DVDs is a blessing !!
  • Public transport system is good and clean, on time with free trams for visitors and free rides throughout on some public occasions.
  • People are early to rise and late to bed :) Helps me in starting to work as i know i am not the only one and wont feel like everyone else gets to sleep.
  • People always give you a smile when you pass by :)
  • If the holidays fall during the weekend you get a substitute the same week.


  • There are very few public holidays :-/ 
  • If you live in an apartment, you don't get to see who stays in your floor and if by chance you see someone on the same floor as you do, all they do is give you a smile and look down to avoid any conversation.
  • You don't form a friends circle with anybody other than your work colleagues. Nothing wrong with that its just that the husbands all talk about work all the time
  • You miss your hometown, you miss your family, mom's food, best friends
  • Unlike USA, cost of living is actually high. Everything here is imported and anything produced locally is also costly. Shopping here is waste of money (but who does that stop from shopping)
The list is endless.. Given a choice i would love to stay here but given a choice i would want to go back to Chennai as well.. Its just the need and situation that lets you take these decisions i suppose. But lets love, live and let live !!!

This entry was posted on 08 July 2014 at 6:18 AM and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Come back!!! Miss you like crazy! :(

April 2, 2015 at 2:03 PM

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