How women love endless shopping hours always amazes me. I have never liked to do it more than an hour at the max and that too I decide to go shopping only when I have something in mind as to what I wanna buy, be it an accessory that I might have to pick up by browsing numerous platform shops in Pondy Bazaar or a good dress in those big stores or malls. But I have gone only when I or a friend (Jannu) wanted to buy something. And it was always fun going with her, the comments we used to pass on other female shoppers, the frantic search for an atm in case our COMBINED cash reserve is all spent ;) , the constant bargaining for reducing the price even if it’s just for 5rs less, me walking away if I don’t get it reduced and Jannu saying I still want it and me convincing her that we will definitely find in nearby shops which we ultimately do. God I miss those days :’(
I have sincerely hated window shopping. My policy is, go into a shop only if you have to buy anything and never to just look at the stuff or compare prices. I used to detest going shopping with my folks when buying electronic goods/utensils/clothes. We used to go to all the big shops, enquire prices, look at all the models and come out empty handed. I couldn’t stand the look the sales person and his colleagues would give something my parents cleverly chose to ignore. “We have to make sure we buy the best” my dad would say :-/ and slowly I stopped accompanying them to shopping of any kind. It’s not them but I can’t stand the constant pestering of the people in the shops asking us what we want, what we are looking at etc. I know they are helping us out and their bosses will be mad if they don’t pounce on a customer the moment he/she enters the shop but please guys I prefer to be left alone!!! If I need anything I would definitely not hesitate to ask you! It only happens in India I guess (not sure of the other countries)
But Melbourne seems to be different. Imagine my surprise when I started loving shopping, the best part WINDOW SHOPPING!!! :) Yes, I just can’t stop myself from going into the shops just to have a look at them in spite of having nothing to buy… And believe me when I tell you, nobody is behind me asking me what I want, maybe an occasional and rare “Can I help you with anything” but that’s it. I have never gone shopping alone as I feel I will be terribly bored with nobody to talk to, but yesterday I took my first ever window shopping trip all by myself and I loved it. Going in and out of shops, taking my time to look at stuff, smiling at people for being courteous, enjoying the summer sun (which gave me the opportunity to wear my new coolers :P ) It was fun, I walked for a long time until the sun dehydrated me, and I decided it was time to get back home but not before I did some tiny shopping for myself ;) Yes I walked into Sportsgirl(, a famous and costly shop here and to my surprise a sale was on. I got myself a cosmetic bag, a new wallet and a transparent nail polish. The best part of it all is – I got all the 3 for just $10 in total. Yippee!!! Attached pics of my mini loot :)
So all you girls who love shopping should definitely be here in Melbourne where there is a sale throughout the year